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CTO, Generalist
"데이터로 사회적 가치를 창출하는 데이터 전문가"
MediLabQ Inc.
CTO, Consultant
(주)메디랩큐 개발이사
(주)메디펀 기술자문
이학박사, 데이터 분석가, 산업수학 전문가
(2024). Kim, Young-Jin, Jeong-Hoon Ju, and Hyun-Min Kim. "Optimal constant for generalized diagonal update method." Calcolo.
(2023). Distinguishing nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease and Mycobacterium tuberculosis lung disease on X-ray images using deep transfer learning.
BMC Infectious Diseases.
(2023). Quality improvement of outpatient clinical chemistry tests through a novel middleware-laboratory information system solution. Clinical Biochemistry.
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